Two Reasons to Try Out Multiple Dance Genres When Learning to Dance

If you're going to get dance lessons, you should consider trying out multiple genres within this performing art. Here are some reasons why. You'll be less likely to give up if you struggle with one particular genre One of the mistakes that novice dancers make is assuming that because it turned out that they weren't particularly gifted in one dance genre, like hip-hop, they are simply bad at all forms of dance. Read More 

3 Top Advantages You Don’t Know About Signing Up for Group Membership Packages for Your Fitness Classes

It's fair to say that almost everyone who minds their health understands the importance of regular exercise routines. Today, numerous fitness centres offer different fitness membership packages depending on their client's unique requirements. While enrolling for a solo training package has its perks, opting for group fitness programs can yield exceptional results than most people think.  From high-quality workouts to cost-effectiveness, the following are three little-known advantages of choosing a group membership package for your fitness classes. Read More 

3 Signs Your Child Needs a New Dance Teacher

Finding great kids dance classes can be tough, which is why many parents are reluctant to switch dance schools when they find a good one. But sometimes a good dance school can turn bad, and when that happens, you'll need to look into new studios. Here are 3 signs your child needs a new dance teacher. Your Child is Always in Pain Does your child come home from dance class complaining of aches and pains? Read More 

What to Do if Your Child Is Losing Interest in Ballet

A lot of children, especially little girls, are attracted to ballet as a hobby. They long for classes, and when they actually start learning to dance, it's an exciting time. Unfortunately, kids don't always have the greatest attention spans, and they might start to lose interest in ballet. Although it's ultimately the child's choice whether or not they continue with their ballet classes, as a parent it's important to make sure they're not making a decision they'll come to regret. Read More